Every Print Has A Story

Have I ever mentioned my love for creating custom prints? It usually goes a little something like this. 

Client - "Hi Erica,  lately I've been dealing with (blah, blah, blah) and want a print created as a reminder of all I've overcome through this trying time." 

or "Erica, I am renovating my office and want to bring meaning and life to my space." 

or my favorite "Erica, my husband and I are expecting twins and want meaningful, delicate scriptures poured on the walls to remind our babies how much we love them." 

All have a story. Personal + unique. All a reason as to why they want their words on display. What an honor it is to be in their story.  Thank you friends for including me in YOUR stories. What a treasure! 

Happy Thursday! 





are a few free prints I created a while back for you to download + enjoy.