1. My husband is the best listener during a round of golf.. I can sit and talk about the latest Emily Giffin novel, Instagram feed, blogger whereabouts, travel trivia, 2014 decor trends and I actually get a head nod to it all! Hooray for 5 hours of uninterrupted listening time ;)
2. God created golf to show men everywhere that they are not in control. Water, wind, divots, bunkers.. they are the ones in control.
3. Words like "fudge" and "god bless" and gain a whole different meaning on the course.
4. High volume tornado, hurricane or lighting alerts mean nothing while in the middle of a round. We must play on!
5. I eat way more than he does. A cheeseburger, apple, gatorade and bag of pretzels, I am one happy spectator. Gabriel on the other hand will not eat one stinking thing for the entire 5 hour round. Now that is true dedication ladies and gentlemen.
And in other news... have a happy monday! We are taking it pretty slow around here today- laundry, errands, vet visit, watercoloring. Get out and enjoy!