A Weekend With Extra Love

You know how the saying goes..."What's the point of Valentine's Day, everyday should be Valentine's Day." Is it true, yes. But who's to say you can't still have a little fun with the holiday and show the people you care for a little extra love?

This year, my school gave us winter break right in time for Valentine's Day. Last year Gabriel and I made a Valentine's Day pancake tradition - but this year he had to work the boat show and had to be at Miami Beach by 7am. So we decided to move our tradition to the weekend! Friday night, Sandals invited us to Ft. Lauderdale to have dinner on the captain's ship. What a wonderful experience that was to spend that with my honey! Another one of the many reasons we are obsessed with our Sandals experiences!

Weekends home are the best. You get to relax, catch up on loose odds and ends and enjoy the simple pleasures of being home..  like staying in your pj's & drinking morning coffee on the back porch with a precious frenchie! How was your weekend of love?