At The Diaz House Lately...

If you decided to come over today, here are somethings you might see:

- Suitcases everywhere 
- California blogs being read
- homemade pizza 
- cheerleading paperwork & ribbons galore 
- a sleeping frenchie

  • Vacation: We are getting ready to head out west for our Anniversary trip! We are looking forward to some quite time together, relaxing, beautiful views and tons of great coffee & food! 
  • Teaching: Things are going great at school. This week I hosted a bible study time with my students on being "thankful in all circumstances". They are just so precious with how many questions they have and how they really try to apply what I teach them. 
  • Coaching: A few weeks ago, I became the JV cheerleading coach for basketball season. So far we've had four games and are actually getting it together. Although I love being a coach, it was a pretty challenging role at first- you are in charge of "coaching" lives, holding high standards and showing the love of Christ all at the same time. 
  • Gari: This trip away will be the first time we leave our fur baby alone since we got him. It's bitter sweet- I know we will miss him a lot, but we are excited that he gets to stay at my grandma's house with his soul mate (aka-their Boston Terrior pup). The two are inseparable and I can't wait to hear all of the stories when we get back. 
  • Marriage: Well ladies and gentlemen, I cannot believe how fast this year has flown. It literally feels like we were preparing for our wedding just a few weeks ago! The first year of marriage definitely has its ups and downs - I mean, just think about it... you are bringing two different  people together and telling them to work together in everything. Nonetheless, I love being married to my best friend. There is nothing better than coming home to my husband and getting to just sit, talk, laugh and play over our evening coffee dates. I've always heard that marriage gets sweeter with age and I am a believer. The more you get to know and understand your partner, the more you truly become one. 
  • House: A few months ago, we had a back porch installed - I can't wait to enjoy it during the cooler months and especially use it during Christmas gathering times! When we get back from vacation, we are planning on decorating for Christmas right away and preparing for an upcoming Christmas dessert party we are hosting in December. 
  • Family: My sister's sweet 16 will be here right before we know it! Over Christmas break, I will be working on her party invitations - and my sister in law on the other hand is about to pop! She is due in a couple of weeks and we are dying for our baby nephew to arrive!