Quiet Mornings

On Saturday, I was the first to wake up (and it may or may not have been before 7:30am.) I know, I know, I can't help it...as soon as the sun comes up, I am usually the first one up with a happy list of Saturday morning tasks I plan on tackling around the house.

Before I began accomplishing tasks though, I decided to sit for a minute, indulge in some coffe and read a short devotion on faith.

"Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning for in You I do trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk for I lift up mu soul to you." Psalm 143:8 

"In the morning.... "

Reading this verse challenged me. Do I wake up in the morning expecting to hear His loving-kindness and the way I should walk? How many other things take my attention in the morning. Usually, I wake up an hour before my husband to prepare for each day, but am I preparing in the right way if I am not in the word for at least five minutes of that hour?

From now on, I am going to accept the challenge. No matter how hectic the day may seem, I am going to spend at least five minutes in the morning soak up His loving-kindness.

Do you get some quiet time during the day? This has always been a struggle for me...