Ringing In The New Year


It's pretty amazing how far into the millenium we are. Yesterday while at the 9.11 Memorial here in NYC, I took a moment and thought back to that tragic day in 2001. It is hard to believe that 12 years have flown by so fast.


2012 was a big year for us.

I got my first teaching job.
I started this blog.
My little sister started high school.
My big sister got married.
My brother-in-law got married.
My hubby got a new job.
We bought our first house.
We traveled a lot.
We spent Christmas at our house with both families together.


On one hand, it's hard to say good-bye to a year with so many new beginnings- but on the other hand, it's exciting to welcome in a new year and allow these new beginnings to blossom.

Whether 2012 was the best year of your life or the worse, I pray that 2013 fills your life with new memories, hobbies, travels and friends.

Happy New Year to you!