How To Keep A Clean House

I know I have been talking about house renovations for a while now and have yet to show you pictures.. I promise, they are coming! Actually, for the next 3 days, all I will be talking about is homes.

As we all know, after major renovations, houses get dirty. So, in an effort to make my house squeaky clean, I composed a cleaning schedule to help me stay on task.

My version of 15 minutes a day to a cleaner house!

How did I create my list? Easy. I set up two columns. One with the days I could clean, and the other with the house chores. I then matched chores to days and made sure they were about even in completion time.

Have I convinced you? You should try one! I promise it will make you feel very accomplished. I would say to use my list, but you know your home much better that I do!

Are you a list type of cleaner? Are you a list type of person? Throughout the years, I have come to realize that I cannot function without lists. I make a new to-do list every Monday morning. I guess you could say it organizes my brain.

Sweet Day & Happy Cleaning!

P.S In exactly 2 months, I will be walking down the isle saying "I do" to my best friend! Talk about excited!!