This Year

"And out of our life come the beauty and strength of his power and work. While we are alive, our lives are to be lived for Christ and through Christ's power at work within us." Debbie Alsdorf

As I woke up today, I found this passage in my devotional. Doesn't it just beautifully sum up why we go to work each morning?

Today is the first day of school.

This year, I will be assisting two amazing and experienced teachers.

This year, I will learn more about myself & see if teaching is truly for me.

This year, first graders will touch my heart more than I thought possible.

This year, I will drink more coffee than I can consume!

This year, I will observe and soak every bit of information.

This year, I will be thankful that God cares enough about me to lead me in His direction and show me where I need to be.

This year, I will listen more than I speak.

This year, I will teach the gospel.

This year, I will become vulnerable to experiencing new situations and meeting new people.

Are you starting school today? Are your children?

May the Lord bless us, keep our hearts still and fill them with joy this 2012-2013 school year.