In blog world, we have link parties.
It's basically when bloggers link up to post on the same topic.
Today, I will be linking up with Lauren From My Grey Desk.
{High Five For Friday}
Top 5 things of the week:
1. I started reading The Shack.
I cannot put it down.
{tragedy, new beginnings, eternal questions}
Seriously. Amazing.
When I graduated from college {all 5 months ago}, I decided to read more to keep my brain moving.
2. I went for my 4th wedding dress fitting.
I am having my dress made by a seamstress & the experience has definitely been a roller coaster. I am not sure if I would recommend having your wedding dress made, but I know that all things happen for a reason & in the end it will sooooo be worth it.
God has used this experience to teach me some valuable lessons on trust & having faith.
So for that, I am grateful.
3. I bought an adorable journal from T.J. Maxx.
I am a total type a, planner. Yes, it can be obnoxious. I promise I don't mean any harm.
You can just imagine how many to-do lists, notes, shopping lists, calendars, packing sheets & journals I have.
And when my journal fills up, it's time for a new one.
4. Posted the first item in my shop.
My fiance gave me the bright idea of starting a shop on my blog.
{First item for sale}
I love this scrub.
Used some this week on my hand & feet - to die for.
Can't wait to add more stuff to the shop in the future.
5. I got pretty pink roses from my bubba {aka my fiance}.
Yeah. We do nicknames. Cheesy right?
Did you notice the flowers in the background of my pictures this week? Those are them - My pretty pink roses. Isn't it funny how all girls love flowers?
How was your week?
I hope you have a great weekend spending time with your mama's & grandma's.